Showing 1-25 of 2,775 items.
AuthorPreviewIDTitleDescriptionTagsUnlistedFile SizeCreatedUpdated
Avatar StriteR.2707698282[CN] Community BootingExtensions for NS2CN servers.
Feel free to strip some codes it you find it useful.
No107.79 MiBJan 4, 202226-07-2024 04:48:18
Avatar StriteR.2999051117[CN] Natural Selection 2.0

| What is this

- Natural Selection 2.0
- Aimed 12v12 and further
- Extension for original ns2 gamemode
- Takes to bring more fun to the game.

| What it includes

- A bunch of gameplay tweaks.
- A lot techs added.

For Both Teams

- Res kill grants pRes
- Overhauled power system.
- Ragdoll exists longer(?)
- Extend respawn time during late game(>20min).

For Marines

- [Standard]&[Explosive] Tech branch.
- [Nanoarmor]&[LifeSustain] Research.
- MachineGun,Knife,SubmachineGun,Revolver
- Cannnon
- CombatBuilder to build utilities as marines.
- Alt attack mod for [Shotgun]&[Grenade Launcher]

For Aliens

- Remove cyst restriction for tunnel(still needs gorge).
- [FastTunnel] research to travel distance faster.

- Most unused [Traits] been boosted (includes cloak).
- Prowler (Modifed) to reel enermy with his rappelsilk.
- Rework gorges bilemine to babbler hive.
- Pheromones will spawn a babbler on hit.
- Onos devour (tweaked).
- Xenocide with 8 biomass.

| Further more

- Still being active developing and heavily tested(daily)
- About NS2CN: Active Developing Community from Asia.
- Feel free to contact me if anything troubles
- Original codes
No190.093 MiBJul 4, 202326-07-2024 04:48:06
Avatar StriteR.3161002472[CN] Defense 2.0Tweaks & Polished based on original Defense Mod
Also Merged NS2.0.

No142.926 MiBFeb 15, 202424-07-2024 04:51:02
Avatar StriteR.2719953619[CN] Exo BoomBoxSome rewrite of Nin's exoboombox mod,basiclly for lua learning,also intented to add some custom tracks.

UI/Control overhauled,add 4 kinds of tracks.

git repo
No83.928 MiBJan 15, 202218-07-2024 05:20:17
Avatar ns2bdt2934445221BDT Community Balance Mod

BDT Community Balance Mod revision 2.5.0

BDT Balance mod.

View the most recent changelog here

View the source: here
No333.147 MiBFeb 16, 202314-07-2024 22:41:52
Avatar ns2bdt2992773495BDT Community Balance Mod (dev)

BDT Community Balance Mod revision 2.5.0 (dev)

Development build of the BDT Community Balance Mod.

This build is for testing only and should not be run in live servers!

Any changes in this build are not guaranteed to make it into a mainsteam release.

View the source: here
No333.134 MiBJun 21, 202314-07-2024 20:52:16
Avatar Predator3023063995Bot_Maintenancemy own bot fixes and improvements. unfortunately the developers has abadone the bot in version 344.

- marine bots are smarter in combat
- marine bots can better conquer safe techpoints
- marine bots use all weapons in active game (not only the shotgun)
- marine bots can take up any weapon from any map position, finally without any restrictions
- marine bots can better defend and conquer RT-Points (better handleing with cysts)
- marine bots dont attack with flamethrower or shotgun when target is out of range (try to switch to pistol)
- marine bots can pickup all marine com dropped supplys
- marine bots drop more mines in bases
- marine bots can buy and throw all types of handgrenades
- marine com drop all kinds of weapons now with random quantites and jetpacks / large drop needs a lot of space /
build armory and protolab relatively close and with plenty of free space (need protolab in drop distance of armories)
- marine com has a better resources management for supplydrops and save some to build rt, press the distress beacon etc...
- marine com has a weapondrop resourcelimit to handleing other things like support marines or build new structures
- marine com drop all structures to build for a 1. 2. 3. 4. "5." base (with macs)
- alien and marine bots now send messages to the team about where and which enemy they see
- alien com build some defend structures from the begin of a match
- alien com can now correctly and completely research its biomass for each destroyed and rebuilt hive from 1-12
- alien skulk, gorge and lerk attack powernodes
- aliens have been slightly improved in combat
- gorge can use all attack abilities

and other minor fixes and changes.

folder number: 3023063995

give it a try and have fun with these bots.

dont forget to rate this if you like. (you can rate with the thumbs under the picture)
No607.094 KiBAug 20, 202313-07-2024 20:04:27
Avatar Harq2937942344Enhanced Captains ModeEnhanced DMD-Captains modNo163.242 KiBFeb 24, 202306-07-2024 01:39:22
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3278391899Joshua-Boo-Boos DMD Combat ModJoshua-Boo-Boos DMD Combat ModNo145.905 KiBJun 30, 202430-06-2024 02:02:10
Avatar Mephilles2819367993Mephs Mapping PlaygroundThis is my mapping playground.
There are multiple maps in this mod and all of them are variants of official maps that address either things that personally frustrate me on the map or what I perceive as balance/gameplay problem.

The maps in this mod are called like the original maps but have "_mmpg" added to the end.

Maps currently in the mod:
ns2_tr4m (alternative version of tram)
MapNo487.785 MiBJun 10, 202227-06-2024 17:45:05
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3263835609Joshua-Boo-Boos Bonewall ModBonewall has been made great.

One bonewall creates up to three extra bonewalls (if (i-1) % 3 == 0 -> spawn bonewall where i is an index representing a marine in an array of marines near the spawn point of the first bonewall).

If spores and / or umbra is researched then a spore and / or umbra cloud is spawned with the bonewall assuming bio 6 has been researched.

The hp of bonewalls has been reduced to 80 + (biomass number - 3) * 20.

Bonewalls are flammable.

Marines nearby a bonewall when it is killed are poisoned.

Bonewalls cost 4 team resources to use and can only be used once every 20 seconds.
No9.119 KiBJun 8, 202424-06-2024 20:07:10
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3265197825Joshua-Boo-Boos Sentry+ ModSentries have been made great.

A sentry now has two fire modes: Bullet & Flame.

Weapons 0-2: Bullet

Weapons 3: Flame

The supply cost for a sentry and its corresponding battery have been reduced and the team resources cost for a sentry battery has also been reduced.
No7.36 MiBJun 10, 202424-06-2024 10:08:30
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3273134979Joshua-Boo-Boos Lerk Lift ModA lerk pressing 4 will forcibly attach a gorge or a marine to the lerk and the gorge can forcibly detach by pressing 5.

Attached entities can only be let go by the lerk if the lerk presses 5 while there is space for the entity to be detached or if the lerk dies.

Lerks will have their energy reduced continuously while lifting a gorge or marine and the gorge or marine will be forcibly detached when the energy of the lerk is less than 5% of the max energy of the lerk.

Text is added to the screen of the alien player which provides usage information and also when a marine or a gorge is being lifted by the lerk.
No122.37 KiBJun 22, 202422-06-2024 20:12:13
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3262964804Joshua-Boo-Boos Redemption ModRegular NS2:

Aliens with the shift hive upgrade have a random chance roll of being teleported to the nearest hive based on biomass level (0 -> 25% with (25/12)% chance per biomass level).

Aliens must have <= math.min(28.5, 0.15 * max HP) and they must have taken damage within the last 1 second.


Tier 2 upgrade purchased: 15% chance of being saved.
Tier 3 upgrade purchased: 30% chance of being saved.
No7.28 KiBJun 7, 202422-06-2024 04:34:18
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3193542133Joshua-Boo-Boos MEGA Exo ModExos now have a periodically activated short-range scanner which detects alien players.

Alien players with a cloaking value of 0.5 or more are not detected by the periodic scan.

The minigun exo has in addition to the scan received a new mode called "Siege Mode" which decreases the rate of fire of the minigun to 25% of the base value but increases the damage by a factor of 4 and is then increased by 10%.

Minigun exos cannot move while in Siege Mode and have their fuel set to zero.

Siege Mode can be activated and deactivated once every five seconds.

Marine players cannot leave a minigun exo while Siege Mode is activated.

The minigun sound has been changed and is played differently based on whether the minigun exo is in Siege Mode or not.

Press your reload key to enter and leave Siege Mode.

Furthermore, missiles have been added to the minigun exo which require 100% fuel to use.

Press 4 to fire a tracking missile which tracks alien players and deals 50 damage to alien players only and press 5 to fire a proximity mine which deals 100 damage to alien players only.
No13.135 MiBMar 20, 202422-06-2024 04:25:41
Avatar Harq2981646962DMD Server Files 4 bot 1.5Contains server files for DMD servers.
With Bot Manager
No1.554 MiBMay 28, 202315-06-2024 07:26:46
Avatar rIFF rAFF3266005195Queue Plus PlusQueue Plus but I've removed the reserved slot check for BAD servers due to having access to those, intend to later make that a selectable option in Mods menu.No11.021 KiBJun 11, 202411-06-2024 21:52:42
Avatar rIFF rAFF3265906390Curved Crosshair BarsNew art for the centered UI for aliens.

-Less obstructive
-Can see more of the filled bar vertifcally
-Fixed texture clipping
-Meant to match better with crosshair style
No21.516 KiBJun 11, 202411-06-2024 18:34:02
Avatar rIFF rAFF3265818714Arkantis CrosshairsGreen for better visibility.No682.992 KiBJun 11, 202411-06-2024 16:02:22
Avatar Meteru1893476114Wooza's HaggisContains these mods:
- Admin Powers, badges, mod panels, shoulder pads, loading icon.
- Disabled Only Commandstation
- Flamethrower fix
- Flexing Skills
- Gorge Heart Heal Spray
- IP limit increase
- Lua Configuration
- Manly Moustache
- Mod Panels++
- [Shine] Discord Bridge
- [Shine] Epsilon (Extra Ips, Enforce Team Sizes )
- [Shine] Rave
- [Shine] Wonitor
No50.956 MiBOct 19, 201909-06-2024 10:13:17
Avatar Parad0x3241074471Community TDA collection of changes made to Thunderdome servers to help facilitate seamless play with community hosted servers.

- Removed rematch vote
- Shortened intermission time to 10 seconds
- Unassigned players will be forced into spec rather than being kicked
- Admin command to substitute players into the team list without requiring a server restart.
- sv_sub
- Added reporting of game endings to discord.
- config\CommunityTD\Discord-Webhook.json
"webhookURL": "URL HERE"
No159.407 KiBMay 6, 202407-06-2024 22:11:03
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3241740866Joshua-Boo-Boos Onocide ModOni onocide on death at biomass 8 in ns2 maps and once the second biomass upgrade has been purchased in co maps (requiring 11 points in total to obtain like stomp and devour including the cost of evolving into an onos).No60.109 KiBMay 7, 202407-06-2024 16:53:31
Avatar SupaFred1571291937TTOTTONo3.885 MiBNov 22, 201807-06-2024 15:32:00
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3161522453Joshua-Boo-Boos Shotgun EnhancerJoshua-Boo-Boos Shotgun Enhancer Mod Which Includes Four Cartridge Types And Modified Ammo Counter GUINo21.778 MiBFeb 15, 202406-06-2024 17:38:00
Avatar phroggie3259915907phrogg eyes modernphroggie's alien vision (modern) mod

Medium lightly-edged grayscales with some obvious coloring, great for afternoon-time use.

Workshop ID: TBD
No3.987 KiBJun 2, 202402-06-2024 18:38:30