Showing 126-150 of 2,771 items.
AuthorPreviewIDTitleDescriptionTagsUnlistedFile SizeCreatedUpdated
Avatar [OAG] Devnull2658159429Devnull - Quick BuyThis mod allows players to set hotkey's for marine buy/alien evolve menus.

The code for this comes from this mod and all credit should go to the person behind the orgiginal mod:

Will automatically disable in custom game types (Combat etc.)

Tested with NS2 build 338

Mod ID: 9e704b45
Publish ID: 2658159429
Yes68.185 KiBNov 18, 202125-04-2023 10:02:09
Avatar The Salty Sea Captain2961545925ns2_Nanoedns2_NanoedYes36.173 MiBApr 12, 202319-04-2023 19:14:10
Avatar Mephilles2964037246ns2_mineral_nslns2_mineral_nsl

Old Version of ns2_mineral made by MasterG
I maintain it because the NSL is still using the map
Yes147.367 MiBApr 18, 202318-04-2023 13:13:52
Avatar StriteR.2944728149[CN] 物竞天择2中文社区 2023 汉化 & 指南

| 这是什么

- 引导[敏娜桑]正确加入NS2并开始畅爽游玩.
- Q群 540422237
- 指南

| 包含的内容

- 一个汉化包以及使用说明.
- 不想加入Q群寻找技术支持选手的备选方案.

| 订阅 or 启用 MOD?


- 你可以选择订阅&下载,最新的汉化包以及使用说明(网页版)以在该MOD内.
- 对应文件夹为. ***\steamapps\workshop\content\4920\2944728149


- 可以不做汉化安装,选择直接进入[CN#]服务器,内置插件形式的汉化.


- 每个服务器都有自己的插件需求,在进服时会自动帮你下载,校验&安装.
- 通常订阅不会产生问题,同时会在MOD更新时自动帮你下载,所以可以尽情订阅.
- 请在熟悉游戏之前避免[于游戏内启用]任何MOD.以避免任何预料之外的情况(Unforseen Consequences).

| 物竞天择2中国社区?

- 2023年依旧每日活跃的物竞天择2亚洲地区社区.
- 旨在创造一个新人友好的社区,欢迎加入我们.
- 当然,如果你遇到了任何自己搞不定的问题,请务必加群询问.
- 如果你觉得进群很麻烦的话,请记完整阅读一下文顶的文档,也许会有一些对你有用的信息.
- 也会不定期回复留言.
Yes15.966 MiBMar 10, 202318-04-2023 04:15:15
Avatar Drey2954421405Mute Bot Med/Ammo RequestsVery simple mod to mute all med and ammo requests by bots for the marine commander

Must be run on server
Yes32.345 KiBMar 29, 202329-03-2023 15:10:34
Avatar Dakoda2259856297co_coreco_core



Original author: Jake "Ekaj" Griffith

Decompile, Ready Room: Remedy

Remake by: Rudy (2014)

Marine Start: Brainfood (2019)

Balance tweaks: Shrimm (2020)
MapYes42.488 MiBOct 17, 202023-03-2023 03:44:05
Avatar Drey2719296240TD PlusTo enable Mods go to the titlescreen -> options -> mods -> manage mods -> search for "TD Plus" -> check the box -> click restart

This mod adds some QoL changes for matchmaking lobbies
- displays hiveskill for all players
- displays playtime progress of all mod users in the lobby
- adds a button to open the statsmenu for the last round played at the rightclick menu
- allows youtube links in the chat to be opened ingame
- skip the lobbysearch with the console command "newlobby"
- adds a small babbler shooting minigame
- adds 30 emotes for the chat (not visible for non mod user)
- displays the average hiveskill of both teams at the mapvote
- displays the top 3 voted map in the planning menu
- messages of muted users will be added back when unmuted
- adds a button to show an example marine tech path

use the command "help" in the console to find some other useful commands\n\n\nPlease share feedback and suggestions. They motivate me to continue working on this mod :)

If youre looking for others to play Matchmaking check out our Discord at
Yes16.459 MiBJan 14, 202221-03-2023 22:02:12
Avatar Dakoda2949382889de_rockdownde_rockdown, Originally created by: Gibbles

Remade for Combat by: Brainfood
Updated and converted to Defense mode by: Shrimm

MapYes12.459 MiBMar 19, 202320-03-2023 19:04:35
Avatar Dakoda2816924400co_rockdownco_rockdown, Originally created by: Gibbles

Remade for Combat by: Brainfood
Updated by: Shrimm

MapYes25.21 MiBJun 4, 202218-03-2023 18:59:20
Avatar Drey2895891999Drey's Enhanced HudWhitelisted and allowed to be used on ranked servers.

Must be run on Server.

Adds 3 buttons similar to the "Select all Marines" one for the marine commander on the top left.

Colors the topbar informations.

Shows weapon on the ground and loaded bullets.

Yes75.944 KiBDec 1, 202216-03-2023 12:10:10
Avatar phroggie2947458601phrogg eyes lightphroggie's alien vision (light) mod

Mostly light grayscales with some obvious coloring, great for daytime use.

Workshop ID: 2947458601
Yes5.076 KiBMar 15, 202315-03-2023 22:15:43
Avatar StriteR.2945766680[CN] Veil Veil Reforged

What is this

-"Reforge" version of ns2_veilveil
-with custom balance and hope it will work
-Original code&map&idea from
-Contact me if you want this mod deleted
Yes63.429 MiBMar 12, 202312-03-2023 04:31:27
Avatar GigaKaren867102392DMD Server Files 2VIP Skins for Diamond Gamers.Yes82.466 MiBFeb 18, 201711-03-2023 19:58:35
Avatar pSyk1069089353ns2_tow_biodomens2_tow_biodome - WIP

5 Techpoint "1 lane" map with more res nodes

publish_id = "3fb90249"
Yes45.779 MiBJul 16, 201711-03-2023 07:15:00
Avatar Dakoda2445836777co_savaco_sava Imported from NS2:combat Stand Alone

MOD ID: 91C881E9
MapYes12.433 MiBApr 4, 202109-03-2023 20:52:14
Avatar StriteR.2933237013344 Bot Crashes Fallback Fix344 Bot Crashes Fallback FixYes2.261 KiBFeb 14, 202309-03-2023 12:46:06
Avatar StriteR.2761540034[CN] GunGame PatchCN Community's Gungame Patch/
Made some debugging.
Also patched it up with all available gungame maps

Catpack will heal marine on touch +100health
Self health/armor regen when out of combat
GL damage to 100

Concat me case you want this mod deleted.

Source 1 Meteru's mod:

Source 2 ZycaR's mod:

also its a mappack

//Archies (Simplified the name for better recognition)
Custom Game ModeYes300.226 MiBFeb 22, 202202-03-2023 14:29:23
Avatar Meteru2887700997ns2_tow_fusionTug of War NS2 Fusion
original map by Mouse

Yes103.596 MiBNov 12, 202225-02-2023 12:46:16
Avatar CЯaZyCAT2927005940NS2 Combat CompetitiveOriginal mode:

Big thanks to Meteru (ailmanki) for maintaining NS2 Combat and keeping it alive
Yes5.837 MiBFeb 1, 202323-02-2023 20:31:23
Avatar UWE Modding2899635443NSL BadgesThis mod is for updating the NSL tournament victors.Yes36.427 KiBDec 9, 202220-02-2023 07:30:21
Avatar Meteru2934949174TranslationsTwoYes483.007 KiBFeb 18, 202318-02-2023 07:42:32
Avatar snowblind2935010115greenrex is an idiot mod for ns2 (doesnt make gorge noise)[Saturday 03:05]
big ♥♥♥♥ man with giagntic nuts which can ♥♥♥ 5mph on discharge with amazing performance
Yes16.941 KiBFeb 18, 202318-02-2023 05:04:38
Avatar <BAD>Wraith2933064155Wraith's Crosshairs [For Noobs]A Large Crosshair with a big Gap created for Noobs like me ;(Yes512.25 KiBFeb 13, 202316-02-2023 11:58:51
Avatar Meteru2370681063MeterRanking for Wooza's server.Yes1.203 MiBJan 23, 202115-02-2023 19:28:48
Avatar Kash1162834732ns2_unearthed_butbetterns2_unearthed_butbetterYes28.84 MiBOct 8, 201714-02-2023 15:49:20