Author | Preview | ID | Title | Description | Tags | Unlisted | File Size | Created | Updated |
SickIGN | 3039226690 | compmod test - sickign | compmod test - sickign | No | 11.038 MiB | Sep 22, 2023 | 22-09-2023 03:35:48 | ||
twiliteblue | 1990806458 | Marine Mine Balance | 76a94bba -Planted Mines can be reclaimed and moved by their owner. -Increased Mine thickness by 35%. Mines can now be used as ladders more consistently, and are easy for aliens to spot in vents. -Mines are no longer highlighted on alien vision, unless parasited. A red light is added for visibility. -Mine research time reduced to 10 seconds, to counter early rush. | Must be run on Server, Gameplay Tweak | No | 6.732 KiB | Feb 7, 2020 | 04-09-2023 05:12:56 | |
Skorpnok | 2920160286 | SkorpsBalancePatch | SkorpsBalancePatch | No | 625.036 KiB | Jan 19, 2023 | 26-08-2023 02:29:31 | ||
Drey | 3009065159 | True Vote Kick | True Vote Kick | No | 52.751 KiB | Jul 24, 2023 | 31-07-2023 20:16:53 | ||
T1Mba | 2974818616 | [CN] Siege+++ | [CN] Siege+++ | No | 5.769 MiB | May 12, 2023 | 30-07-2023 14:42:42 | ||
Drey | 3010728774 | Dreys Mod Madness | Dreys Mod Madness | No | 186.816 MiB | Jul 27, 2023 | 27-07-2023 17:51:09 | ||
twiliteblue | 1473041115 | Health & Armor absorption balance | *Armor absorbs 80% of damage. *Re-balanced health/armor split of many classes. *Gorge heal spray now only repairs armor. Structural armor heal increased from 60 hp to 35 armor; Player heal upgraded from health to armor. *Welder now only repairs armor. *Focus upgrade increases primary attack damage bypassing armor from 20 to 25%. *Crush upgrade increases damage done to structures bypassing armor from 20 to 25%. *Skulk armor increased from 10 to 15. | Must be run on Server, Gameplay Tweak | No | 175.669 KiB | Aug 10, 2018 | 17-07-2023 06:48:11 | |
Drey | 2997744202 | More Bot Commands | Added some helpful commands for adding/removing bots. Type "bothelp" in the console to receive a full list of all new commands | No | 8.961 KiB | Jul 2, 2023 | 02-07-2023 09:15:48 | ||
StriteR. | 2993340765 | [CN] Sentinel Build 344 (Practive Range Only) | My takes to fix sentinel mode for build 344 *Currently working with NS2CN Community Shooting Range. Ain't tested with other maps. *May require [344 bot crash fixes] when running un-polished maps. Original codes from | No | 665.062 KiB | Jun 23, 2023 | 23-06-2023 07:40:44 | ||
Schrödinger's Katz | 1675832885 | SkulkWithShotgun | SkulkWithShotgun publish_id = "63e32e35" CTF Updates (fixed for last ns2 build): * Each team now as a lerk player (can't carry the gorge, support only) * Fixed spectator issues * Fixed model and skins issues * Fixed shotgun ROF * Fixed nsl and shine compatiblity * Fixed gorge obscuring the carrier screen ---------- If you wanna do maps for this mod (capture the flag), you need to add flag entities: ShadowSpawn.kMapName, VanillaFlagSpawn.kMapName ---------- Updating Skulks With Shotguns to work in build 327 (including CTF) Previous version of the mods: * * | No | 16.827 MiB | Mar 7, 2019 | 18-06-2023 09:27:42 | ||
SickIGN | 2990478924 | SWS Test | SWS Test | No | 41.788 MiB | Jun 17, 2023 | 18-06-2023 06:47:57 | ||
pSyk | 2565771424 | Ayumi | NS2_Ayumi - Work in Progress Roughly based on NS1_Ayumi by Paer Fredriksson mod_id = "98ee90a0" 5 Techpoints, 10 RTs Jambi similar layout, but bit smaller | No | 128.648 MiB | Aug 4, 2021 | 25-05-2023 11:26:44 | ||
zavaro | 2684443493 | Tanith Redline | Tanith Redline | No | 38.528 MiB | Dec 17, 2021 | 15-05-2023 03:11:22 | ||
T1Mba | 2925177772 | [CN] Siege+++ | [CN] Siege+++ | No | 5.789 MiB | Jan 29, 2023 | 12-05-2023 13:27:39 | ||
Sytch | 1741263417 | Autojoin as spectator | Mod ID: 67C99239 Since the introduction of the spectators queue it became hard to autojoin servers because the player slots are quickly filled with the queued spectators. With this mod you can automatically join the game as a spectator if there's a free slot. No need to monitor the spectator count and join manually. | Tool | No | 23.727 KiB | May 14, 2019 | 27-04-2023 17:20:40 | |
GigaKaren | 867100657 | DMD Server Files 1 | VIP Skins for Diamond Gamers. | No | 79.753 MiB | Feb 18, 2017 | 27-04-2023 03:45:13 | ||
[OAG] Devnull | 2658159429 | Devnull - Quick Buy | This mod allows players to set hotkey's for marine buy/alien evolve menus. The code for this comes from this mod and all credit should go to the person behind the orgiginal mod: Will automatically disable in custom game types (Combat etc.) Tested with NS2 build 338 Mod ID: 9e704b45 Publish ID: 2658159429 | No | 68.185 KiB | Nov 18, 2021 | 25-04-2023 10:02:09 | ||
The Salty Sea Captain | 2961545925 | ns2_Nanoed | ns2_Nanoed | No | 36.173 MiB | Apr 12, 2023 | 19-04-2023 19:14:10 | ||
Mephilles | 2964037246 | ns2_mineral_nsl | ns2_mineral_nsl Old Version of ns2_mineral made by MasterG I maintain it because the NSL is still using the map | No | 147.367 MiB | Apr 18, 2023 | 18-04-2023 13:13:52 | ||
StriteR. | 2944728149 | [CN] 物竞天择2中文社区 2023 汉化 & 指南 | | 这是什么- 引导[敏娜桑]正确加入NS2并开始畅爽游玩. - Q群 540422237 - 指南 | 包含的内容- 一个汉化包以及使用说明. - 不想加入Q群寻找技术支持选手的备选方案. | 订阅 or 启用 MOD?可以订阅- 你可以选择订阅&下载,最新的汉化包以及使用说明(网页版)以在该MOD内. - 对应文件夹为. ***\steamapps\workshop\content\4920\2944728149 但没必要- 可以不做汉化安装,选择直接进入[CN#]服务器,内置插件形式的汉化. 不应该启用!- 每个服务器都有自己的插件需求,在进服时会自动帮你下载,校验&安装. - 通常订阅不会产生问题,同时会在MOD更新时自动帮你下载,所以可以尽情订阅. - 请在熟悉游戏之前避免[于游戏内启用]任何MOD.以避免任何预料之外的情况(Unforseen Consequences). | 物竞天择2中国社区?- 2023年依旧每日活跃的物竞天择2亚洲地区社区. - 旨在创造一个新人友好的社区,欢迎加入我们. - 当然,如果你遇到了任何自己搞不定的问题,请务必加群询问. - 如果你觉得进群很麻烦的话,请记完整阅读一下文顶的文档,也许会有一些对你有用的信息. - 也会不定期回复留言. | No | 15.966 MiB | Mar 10, 2023 | 18-04-2023 04:15:15 | ||
Drey | 2954421405 | Mute Bot Med/Ammo Requests | Very simple mod to mute all med and ammo requests by bots for the marine commander Must be run on server | No | 32.345 KiB | Mar 29, 2023 | 29-03-2023 15:10:34 | ||
Dakoda | 2259856297 | co_core | co_core MOD ID: 86B2ABA9 Credits: Original author: Jake "Ekaj" Griffith Decompile, Ready Room: Remedy Remake by: Rudy (2014) Marine Start: Brainfood (2019) Balance tweaks: Shrimm (2020) | Map | No | 42.488 MiB | Oct 17, 2020 | 23-03-2023 03:44:05 | |
Drey | 2719296240 | TD Plus | To enable Mods go to the titlescreen -> options -> mods -> manage mods -> search for "TD Plus" -> check the box -> click restart This mod adds some QoL changes for matchmaking lobbies - displays hiveskill for all players - displays playtime progress of all mod users in the lobby - adds a button to open the statsmenu for the last round played at the rightclick menu - allows youtube links in the chat to be opened ingame - skip the lobbysearch with the console command "newlobby" - adds a small babbler shooting minigame - adds 30 emotes for the chat (not visible for non mod user) - displays the average hiveskill of both teams at the mapvote - displays the top 3 voted map in the planning menu - messages of muted users will be added back when unmuted - adds a button to show an example marine tech path use the command "help" in the console to find some other useful commands\n\n\nPlease share feedback and suggestions. They motivate me to continue working on this mod :) If youre looking for others to play Matchmaking check out our Discord at | No | 16.459 MiB | Jan 14, 2022 | 21-03-2023 22:02:12 | ||
Dakoda | 2949382889 | de_rockdown | de_rockdown, Originally created by: Gibbles Remade for Combat by: Brainfood Updated and converted to Defense mode by: Shrimm | Map | No | 12.459 MiB | Mar 19, 2023 | 20-03-2023 19:04:35 | |
Dakoda | 2816924400 | co_rockdown | co_rockdown, Originally created by: Gibbles Remade for Combat by: Brainfood Updated by: Shrimm MOD ID: A7E6DAF0 | Map | No | 25.21 MiB | Jun 4, 2022 | 18-03-2023 18:59:20 |