Showing 76-100 of 2,773 items.
AuthorPreviewIDTitleDescriptionTagsUnlistedFile SizeCreatedUpdated
Avatar twiliteblue2442374987April's Ready RoomFun tricks in the ready room (try crouching, air jumping)No17.562 KiBApr 1, 202128-10-2023 06:44:43
Avatar twiliteblue2794015380Stomp Reworkmod ID 2794015380

*** Stomp:
Stomp now knocks back nearby marines (in 2.5 radius), and deals additional 100 damage.
Stomp damage type changed to 'Structural'.
Shockwave height increased from 0.8 to 2.5 vs structures.
Shockwave range reduced to 7.
Shockwave no longer stuns marines, disrupts aim and accuracy for 2 seconds.
Increased Stomp attack speed by 50% (delay shortened from 0.8s from 1.2s).

Fixed focus using the slower Gore animation length (should be 20% faster according to animation graph).
No66.788 KiBApr 14, 202226-10-2023 10:27:42
Avatar twiliteblue2295815997Onos Rework Modmod ID 88d75f3d

*** Charge:
Onos decelerates more gradually when charging ends.
Charge bonus speed fades over 0.66 second instead of instantly at the end of Charge.

Increased Charge energy cost from 20 to 25 per second.
Charge push back force is reduced on Marines (from 120% of current speed + 10, down to 110% speed + 7).
Charge damage ramps up from 20 damage to 40 as speed increases.

(Graphic) Changed the "ground pounding" effect at charge end to play at the beginning of charge instead.

*** Stomp:
Stomp now stuns (1.0s) and knocks back nearby marines (in 2.5 radius), and deals additional 100 damage (Structural type). Airborne marines nearby are knocked back further.
Shockwave height vs structures increased from 0.8 to 2.5 to allow it to hit structures more consistently.

Fixed focus using the slower Gore animation length (should be 20% faster according to animation graph).
No195.303 KiBNov 23, 202025-10-2023 10:08:36
Avatar [OAG] Devnull2597529958Devnull - Enhanced ScoreBoardThis mod will change various parts of the ScoreBoard:
- Steam Icon location fix.
- Commander tag will stay when jumping out temporary
- New team topbar showing current lifeforms and equipment
- Some general tweaks and performance fixes
more to come...

Publish ID: 2597529958
No10.043 MiBSep 9, 202123-10-2023 12:18:40
Avatar twiliteblue3016412542misc bugs issue #01Fixed Stab sometimes not receiving Focus upgrade.
Fixed Onos becoming unresponsive when switching weapon during Stomp.
Fixed Onos Focus Gore being much slower than intended.
Bone shield can no longer activate while Onos is stomping.
Fixed Bone Shield starting cooldown when already on cooldown.
Fixed Gore attack delay when both primary and secondary attack buttons are engaged.
Fixed Onos smash animation timing mismatch with viewmodel.
Fixed Babbler running animation playing while clinged.
Fixed Umbra effect being too visible while semi-cloaked.
Increased (Pulse Grenade) electrify visual effect intensity by 80%.
Fixed Bile Mine not cloaking.
Fixed Robo factory errors when failing to spawn products.
Fix when commander leaves game during research (robo factory production)
No27.024 KiBAug 7, 202317-10-2023 09:44:15
Avatar twiliteblue2108455550Enhanced Ragdollmodid 2108455550

Increased ragdoll to 10 seconds, which starts dissolving after 9 seconds.

Ragdolls are visually more obvious.
No17.593 KiBMay 25, 202016-10-2023 04:55:18
Avatar twiliteblue2606969686RolloutFixRolloutFixNo4.638 KiBSep 20, 202116-10-2023 00:20:52
Avatar Microsoft Word 20193049753149FartHit HitsoundI mean, it is what it sounds like.HitsoundsNo17.45 KiBOct 12, 202312-10-2023 22:04:28
Avatar Microsoft Word 20193049802942PopCat Hitsound by KopungaPopCat Hitsound idea by Wraith, built by KopungaHitsoundsNo9.718 KiBOct 12, 202312-10-2023 21:59:36
Avatar <BAD>Wraith3049592381Popcat HitsoundPopcat HitsoundNo19.394 KiBOct 12, 202312-10-2023 13:08:19
Avatar Microsoft Word 20193041093333Mike95 AV by KopungaMike AV is based on Doggö's Schu Style Light AV

Doggö's original:
Alien VisionNo3.881 KiBSep 25, 202325-09-2023 19:50:02
Avatar ensl_compmod1876217244ENSL CompMod

ENSL CompMod revision [revision_number]

Competitive mod used by the ENSL

View the most recent changelog here

View the source: here
No11.04 MiBSep 29, 201923-09-2023 08:54:15
Avatar SickIGN3039226690compmod test - sickigncompmod test - sickignNo11.038 MiBSep 22, 202322-09-2023 03:35:48
Avatar twiliteblue1990806458Marine Mine Balance76a94bba

-Planted Mines can be reclaimed and moved by their owner.

-Increased Mine thickness by 35%. Mines can now be used as ladders more consistently, and are easy for aliens to spot in vents.

-Mines are no longer highlighted on alien vision, unless parasited. A red light is added for visibility.

-Mine research time reduced to 10 seconds, to counter early rush.
Must be run on Server, Gameplay TweakNo6.732 KiBFeb 7, 202004-09-2023 05:12:56
Avatar Skorpnok2920160286SkorpsBalancePatchSkorpsBalancePatchNo625.036 KiBJan 19, 202326-08-2023 02:29:31
Avatar Dragon170777320NSL ModNSL Mod

08-20-23 (Build 145)
- Fixed missing mapcycle config check which caused the league mapcycle to always be loaded.

12-14-22 (Build 144)
- Fixed issues caused by removal of debug.getregistry - Thanks asdfgg!
- Fixed issues caused by json.decode no longer returning the json array in a predictable order.

1-16-21 (Build 143)
- Added support for event badges defined by the respective league(s).

12-22-20 (Build 142)
- Corrected enum reference exception from updated skins/DLC options.

9-27-20 (Build 141)
- Corrected issue preventing non-ref level users from having access to their defined admin commands.
- Added support for contributors from ENSL site.

8-18-20 (Build 140)
- 'Gather' level bans only enforced in GATHER mode
- sv_nslenforcegatherbans now accessible by league admins/refs.

8-17-20 (Build 139)
- Added logic to parse league bans and enforce them on associated servers.
- Currently supports 'gather' level bans, which block users from PCW/GATHERS - and full bans which block users from all modes.
- Added sv_nslenforcegatherbans server command to toggle if 'gather' level bans are enforced.

6-12-20 (Build 138)

- Fixed issue with asset error after 332 relating to scoreboard changes
- Corrected issue allowing for 1 frame of input even during pauses resulting from 332 input changes.

11-28-19 (Build 137)

- Fixed incorrect team being awarded victory from auto-concede
- Added server admin command to disable automatic error reporting
- Locked marine models to male in officials

11-14-19 (Build 136)

- Fixed assert from calling marine variant function that was removed with B331 BMAC
- Added fallback default name when using ForceLeagueNicks and an unregistered player joins

9-20-19 (Build 135)

- Fixed new main menu not working when game was paused (Build 329)
- Added sv_nslleaguemapcycle, toggles using the mapcycle configured in the respective league config. This is a server admin command only!
- Added note to sv_nslcfg command about seasons & server configs needed mapcycle to clear if mod is disabled.
- Changed sv_nslcaptainslimit to a server admin only command
- Cleaned up admin command validations a bit
- Added ServerAdminsAreRefs config flag to be used in future by default league config

9-13-19 (Build 133)

- Fixed random alien spawn not respecting spawn rules for maps with spawn override entities

7-13-19 (Build 132)
- Fixed issue with cross spawn vanilla logic not being cached, which caused issues when aliens selected certain spawn locations.

7-8-19 (Build 131)

- Consolidated custom spawn toggles into single option.
- Supports UseFixedSpawnsWhenLoaded (overrides other options), CustomSpawns - allows spawns to be configured by dates and AliensChoose which allows aliens to choose their spawn.
- Added client side toggleopponentmute console command, toggles the display of opponents chat messages on or off.

6-23-19 (Build 130)

- 'Ready' command will no longer work during pauses for game resets.
- During a pause, 'ready' will toggle your teams readiness for the game to unpause, just like resume/unpause.
- Removed sleeping of GUI scripts during pause, all GUI scripts will now run as if the game is unpaused. This should fix chat and scoreboard issues
- Fixed issue where you couldnt mark your team as not ready during a pause after you had marked them as ready.
- Added config setting to control server ranking status.
- Added config setting to control forcing league nicknames.
- Removed legacy first person spectating block code, was no longer functional and not currently in use by any leagues.
- Added game build to NSL error reporter.
- Fixed Default perf level not being selectable after changing to other perf levels

Full Changelog can be found here:
Must be run on Server, ToolNo288.029 KiBAug 19, 201323-08-2023 01:51:57
Avatar Drey3009065159True Vote KickTrue Vote KickNo52.751 KiBJul 24, 202331-07-2023 20:16:53
Avatar T1Mba2974818616[CN] Siege+++[CN] Siege+++No5.769 MiBMay 12, 202330-07-2023 14:42:42
Avatar Drey3010728774Dreys Mod MadnessDreys Mod MadnessNo186.816 MiBJul 27, 202327-07-2023 17:51:09
Avatar Ascendant2944606796docking_ascEast wing obs no longer covers Junction vent
Junction vent has an extra exit in east wing
new vent in ballcourt
Locker room changed to be more alien friendly and much less arcable from courtyard
Central access slightly changed
Back alley slightly redesigned to make new Locker hive position less arcable from back alley
Added slight bit of cover on gen RT
Strand power node removed, area is powered by junction instead\n\n\nmod id "AF83224C"
MapNo29.367 MiBMar 9, 202317-07-2023 10:30:07
Avatar twiliteblue1473041115Health & Armor absorption balance*Armor absorbs 80% of damage.
*Re-balanced health/armor split of many classes.
*Gorge heal spray now only repairs armor. Structural armor heal increased from 60 hp to 35 armor; Player heal upgraded from health to armor.
*Welder now only repairs armor.
*Focus upgrade increases primary attack damage bypassing armor from 20 to 25%.
*Crush upgrade increases damage done to structures bypassing armor from 20 to 25%.
*Skulk armor increased from 10 to 15.
Must be run on Server, Gameplay TweakNo175.669 KiBAug 10, 201817-07-2023 06:48:11
Avatar Drey2997744202More Bot CommandsAdded some helpful commands for adding/removing bots.

Type "bothelp" in the console to receive a full list of all new commands
No8.961 KiBJul 2, 202302-07-2023 09:15:48
Avatar StriteR.2993340765[CN] Sentinel Build 344 (Practive Range Only)My takes to fix sentinel mode for build 344
*Currently working with NS2CN Community Shooting Range. Ain't tested with other maps.
*May require [344 bot crash fixes] when running un-polished maps.

Original codes from
No665.062 KiBJun 23, 202323-06-2023 07:40:44
Avatar Katzenfleisch1675832885SkulkWithShotgunSkulkWithShotgun
publish_id = "63e32e35"

CTF Updates (fixed for last ns2 build):

* Each team now as a lerk player (can't carry the gorge, support only)
* Fixed spectator issues
* Fixed model and skins issues
* Fixed shotgun ROF
* Fixed nsl and shine compatiblity
* Fixed gorge obscuring the carrier screen


If you wanna do maps for this mod (capture the flag), you need to add flag entities: ShadowSpawn.kMapName, VanillaFlagSpawn.kMapName


Updating Skulks With Shotguns to work in build 327 (including CTF)

Previous version of the mods:

No16.827 MiBMar 7, 201918-06-2023 09:27:42
Avatar SickIGN2990478924SWS TestSWS TestNo41.788 MiBJun 17, 202318-06-2023 06:47:57