Showing 26-50 of 2,773 items.
AuthorPreviewIDTitleDescriptionTagsUnlistedFile SizeCreatedUpdated
Avatar StriteR.2719953619[CN] Exo BoomBoxSome rewrite of Nin's exoboombox mod,basiclly for lua learning,also intented to add some custom tracks.

UI/Control overhauled,add 4 kinds of tracks.

git repo
No89.038 MiBJan 15, 202231-03-2024 08:10:55
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3201677227Joshua-Boo-Boos Team Resources ModThis mod provides the team of a player who gets a kill with an amount of team resources scaled by the fraction of RTs each team has plus a random amount chosen out of the values of 0.0, 0.05 and 0.1 depending on the value of a random number generator to stop commanders working out how many RTs the other team has.No30.854 KiBMar 26, 202429-03-2024 20:04:05
Avatar Microsoft Word 20192646944747MustachifyMakes the world a better place and brings us one step closer to world peaceNo49 MiBNov 6, 202127-03-2024 21:26:51
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3195709487Joshua-Boo-Boos Lerkwaffe UpgradeLerks can now use 50% of their energy to enzyme themselves for the vanilla game's enzyme duration once the shift hive upgrade has been researched. Press your reload key to use this ability!No280.428 KiBMar 22, 202426-03-2024 14:17:03
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3196752969Joshua-Boo-Boos Sentry EnhancerThe sentry has been made great.

Heavy-hitting but more expensive the marine commander would be wise to place these at locations of the utmost importance.

This sentry fires non-piercing railgun ammunition that does 10 damage per shot at 0.5 times the rate of fire of the vanilla sentry.

The cost of the sentry is now 7 team resources.

7 points are received upon destruction of a sentry.

The railgun ammunition contains a special compound that will reduce the energy of the impacted alien by 3% per shot.
No26.014 KiBMar 23, 202424-03-2024 15:28:27
Avatar Joshua-Boo-Boos3161522453Joshua-Boo-Boos Shotgun EnhancerJoshua-Boo-Boos Shotgun Enhancer Mod Which Includes Four Cartridge Types And Modified Ammo Counter GUINo21.77 MiBFeb 15, 202418-03-2024 16:16:36
Avatar NexZone303185054007Plasma LauncherPlasma LauncherNo1.884 MiBMar 15, 202417-03-2024 16:13:08
Avatar twiliteblue2716582607Prowler Remake (test)Test version of Prowler
-Swapped Acid Spray to default attack, with Volley (to tier 3).
-Increased Acid Spray damage to 20 (x3), and reduced splash radius from 2 to 1. Missiles explode after 0.4 second. Damage type changed to Normal.
-Widened Volley spread.
-Increased Volley damage to 68.
No2.826 MiBJan 12, 202217-03-2024 11:36:41
Avatar Predator3023063995Bot_Maintenancemy own bot fixes and improvements. unfortunately the developers has abadone the bot in version 344.

- marine bots are smarter in combat
- marine bots can better conquer safe techpoints
- marine bots use all weapons in active game (not only the shotgun)
- marine bots can take up any weapon from any map position, finally without any restrictions
- marine bots can better defend and conquer RT-Points (better handleing with cysts)
- marine bots dont attack with flamethrower or shotgun when target is out of range (try to switch to pistol)
- marine bots can pickup all marine com dropped supplys
- marine bots drop more mines in bases
- marine bots can buy and throw all types of handgrenades
- marine com drop all kinds of weapons now with random quantites and jetpacks / large drop needs a lot of space /
build armory and protolab relatively close and with plenty of free space (need protolab in drop distance of armories)
- marine com has a better resources management for supplydrops and save some to build rt, press the distress beacon etc...
- marine com has a weapondrop resourcelimit to handleing other things like support marines or build new structures
- marine com drop all structures to build for a 1. 2. 3. 4. "5." base (with macs)
- alien and marine bots now send messages to the team about where and which enemy they see
- alien com build some defend structures from the begin of a match
- alien com can now correctly and completely research its biomass for each destroyed and rebuilt hive from 1-12
- alien skulk, gorge and lerk attack powernodes
- aliens have been slightly improved in combat
- gorge can use all attack abilities

and other minor fixes and changes.

folder number: 3023063995

give it a try and have fun with these bots.

dont forget to rate this if you like. (you can rate with the thumbs under the picture)
No606.816 KiBAug 20, 202315-03-2024 20:23:14
Avatar [OAG] Devnull2606061626D&D - Interesting Score ScreenAdding Top Players to score screen based on:
- Score
- Player Damage
- Structure Damage
- Build Time

Also showing steam Avatar for top players making it a bit more personal and highlighting those that have performed well.

Publish ID = 2606061626
No26.046 MiBSep 19, 202110-03-2024 07:48:07
Avatar The Salty Sea Captain3172818183StarshineStarshineNo6.007 MiBMar 4, 202404-03-2024 02:57:08
Avatar NexZone303172738271Plinko Railgun- Railgun Damage [W0: 20 to 40] from [10 to 150], [W3: 26 to 52] from [16 to 195]
- Railgun Fire Rate [1/1.5s] from [1/3.4s]
- Railgun Bullet Size [0.5] from [0.3]
- Enabled simultaneous charging and firing of railguns.
- Penetration based upon charge amount. Full charge allows for penetration, partial charge does not.
- Max hold time [0.51s] from [2.2s]... Changes railgun to more of flick/tracking weapon, allows more continuous DPS "hold down" usage.
- Range [400 m] to [30 m]... Prevents hive cheese on some maps.
Gameplay TweakNo15.747 KiBMar 3, 202403-03-2024 23:31:25
Avatar Meteru2921913448Extra WeaponsNew weapons for marines in NS2!

The Heavy Cannon is a long-range weapon with severe damage but a low rate of fire. Perfect for killing lightly armored lifeforms at range but don't let them get in too close, or they'll eat you for breakfast.

The Submachinegun is a lightweight all-around versatile weapon at most ranges.

The Revolver, quoting Combat standalone: "Do you feel lucky, punk?".\n\n\nCredits

Implementation for NS2 by Scatter.
Most GUI items are created by F2.
Submachinegun model by Evil_Ice.
The Heavy Cannon and Revolver model by 4Horsemen.
NS2 maintenance by Meteru.
No281.074 MiBJan 22, 202302-03-2024 15:57:06
Avatar pSyk1220107314ns2_tram_nextstop- Tram_nextstop and Summit_new -
publish_id = "48b95c32"

Improvements to Tram for Aliens and Marines.

-Moved Repair Res Node
-Changed Location between Repair and Logi to Repair Power
-Added a big, bullet blocking window in Repair
-Added thicker pillars in Server
-Added pipe obstacles in Ore
-Added crate outside of Warehouse
-Added a small vent between Hub and ET

- Summit_new -

--Shrunk Data Core and added more obstacles, more tunnel friendly
--Shrunk Flight Control, more alien friendly
--Added obstacles to Sub Access, more alien friendly
No74.334 MiBDec 3, 201726-02-2024 14:56:43
Avatar hickory's3162357745Infected space station (test)is a Infected space station
MapNo12 MiBFeb 17, 202418-02-2024 00:32:11
Avatar Scatter3150076000Modular JetpacksModular JetpacksNo1.671 MiBJan 29, 202410-02-2024 16:23:11
Avatar Mephilles1876264595ns2_solns2_sol
ModID: 6FD58693
Name will change later.
In greybox phase atm
MapNo198.694 MiBSep 29, 201909-02-2024 02:17:16
Avatar Midare3089422707MidareAVMidareAVNo3.271 KiBNov 20, 202304-02-2024 22:56:06
Avatar czQery2827262101Qery's AVBased on roxxAV

Source code: link
No11.474 KiBJun 28, 202203-02-2024 16:54:08
Avatar czQery3152403239MouseWheelJumpAdds option to jump with space bar and mouse wheel at the same timeNo20.583 KiBFeb 2, 202402-02-2024 16:24:02
Avatar asdfg3148577709NSL Team Badges (Testing)

NSL Team Badges

Display NSL team badges on the scoreboard.


Put it on your server, along with Shine Administration and [Shine] Epsilon. Badges+ is optional.

Enable the Shine plugin `epsilonbadges`, then go to EpsilonBadges.json and set `ENSLTeams` to `true`.

Adding a badge:

Contact the NSL admins with a link to your NSL team webpage and your desired badge image. Badges are 32-by-32px DDS images. Transparency is supported.

Thanks to SupaFred for making this originally, and Keats & Yeats for maintaining it. <3
No191.224 KiBJan 27, 202429-01-2024 22:57:14
Avatar asdfg3143872909NSL Discord Bridge

NSL Discord Bridge

Simple Discord bridge that posts to the specified Discord webhook once a round ends


Install and setup configs/NSL-Discord-Bridge.json

'discordWebhookUrl': 'URL HERE'
No2.739 KiBJan 20, 202428-01-2024 18:37:34
Avatar asdfg3149090134NSL Discord Bridge (Testing)

NSL Discord Bridge

Simple Discord bridge that posts to the specified Discord webhook once a round ends


Install and setup configs/NSL-Discord-Bridge.json

'discordWebhookUrl': 'URL HERE'
No4.316 KiBJan 28, 202428-01-2024 13:55:04
Avatar Meteru2330337167NS2: CombatNS2Combat: A Combat-style mod for Natural Selection 2!

This is used with permission, and is licensed under the MIT License. For more info, check out

Bringing back the old and out of date Combat mod :)

- Many thanks to Shrimm for the continuous quality improvements.

ModID: 8AE61F8F

Compatible mods:

Shine Pregame configuration:
Pregame Overview
The property "mode" needs to be set to "Time"
"Mode": "TIME",

No5.903 MiBDec 22, 202020-01-2024 18:27:33
Avatar Meteru2073756005Gorge ToysBrings toys for the Gorge!
Gorge can now not only drop a tunnel, but also whips, crags, shifts and shade.
Includes Gorge Tunnel !

ModID: 7B9B0165\n\n\nThx to Twiliteblue for fixing a bug with new tunnel Entrances not connecting to the existing tunnel!
No986.133 KiBApr 25, 202020-01-2024 18:00:03