Showing 226-250 of 2,762 items.
AuthorPreviewIDTitleDescriptionTagsUnlistedFile SizeCreatedUpdated
Avatar jim12838211986jiM1 yellow diamond white diamond para white diamond meleeCROSSHAIRNo512.25 KiBJul 21, 202221-07-2022 08:21:44
Avatar snowblind2838210606jim1 yellow circle white para teal melee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No520.25 KiBJul 21, 202221-07-2022 08:15:40
Avatar Microsoft Word 20192838199034Snowblind AV by KopungaSnowblind AV is based on Doggö's Schu Style Light AV

Doggö's original:
Alien VisionNo3.823 KiBJul 21, 202221-07-2022 07:29:43
Avatar jim12838167246jiM1 yellow dot white para teal meleeCROSSHAIRNo520.25 KiBJul 21, 202221-07-2022 05:03:20
Avatar twiliteblue2837278584Haunted KodiakHaunted KodiakNo33.484 MiBJul 19, 202219-07-2022 08:58:09
Avatar twiliteblue2837277930Haunted UnearthedHaunted UnearthedNo28.164 MiBJul 19, 202219-07-2022 08:54:45
Avatar NEVERPROCREATE2835845630ultra ql2/dot xhairsql2 crosshair + dotsNo64.25 KiBJul 16, 202216-07-2022 04:34:27
Avatar snowblind2834972578jim1 teal circle white parasiteCROSSHAIRNo520.25 KiBJul 14, 202214-07-2022 05:28:01
Avatar Microsoft Word 20192832851071Fade Loading AuricFade Loading AuricNo9.283 MiBJul 9, 202209-07-2022 17:42:43
Avatar twiliteblue2832692080Haunted - MineshaftCopy of Mineshaft for HauntedNo26.739 MiBJul 9, 202209-07-2022 11:17:17
Avatar snowblind2831622833jim1 teal dot white parasiteCROSSHAIRNo520.25 KiBJul 7, 202207-07-2022 03:00:35
Avatar jim12831561676jiM1 teal diamondCROSSHAIRCrosshairsNo32.125 KiBJul 6, 202206-07-2022 23:36:33
Avatar snowblind2830674810jim1 teal dotCROSSHAIRNo520.25 KiBJul 5, 202205-07-2022 03:12:34
Avatar snowblind2830249899jim1 green dot teal parasiteCROSSHAIRNo520.25 KiBJul 4, 202205-07-2022 02:18:19
Avatar snowblind2823030782jim1 teal dot pink melee+parasiteCROSSHAIRNo520.25 KiBJun 19, 202205-07-2022 02:15:49
Avatar snowblind2823030434jim1 teal dot pink parasiteCROSSHAIRNo260.531 KiBJun 19, 202205-07-2022 02:13:31
Avatar snowblind2830348392o'granger crosshairo'granger crosshairNo520.25 KiBJul 4, 202205-07-2022 02:03:43
Avatar Limonespremuto2830481716skylineskylineNo14.107 MiBJul 4, 202204-07-2022 18:30:26
Avatar twiliteblue2534292147Gorge Toys (beta)Brings toys for the Gorge!
Gorge can now not only drop a tunnel, but also Whips, Crags, Shifts and Shade.
Includes Gorge Tunnel !

ModID: 970e3ab3

Original mod made by Meteru.
Fixed a bug with new tunnel Entrances not connecting to the existing tunnel.

beta changes:
*Shrunk Gorge Crag/Shift/Shade size by 30%.
*Reduced Gorge Crag/Shift/Shade/Whip healths. Reduced Gorge Whip build time.
*Increased Hydra accuracy against moving targets. Hydra damage reduced from 15 to 8.
*Gorge Whip slap deals 40 damage, 38 damage in Combat mode.
*Gorge Shade cloak radius reduced to 12.
*Shift energy regen boost reduced from 15 to 10 per second.
*Gorge Shift energize radius reduced to 10.
*Crag healing wave bonus increased from +30% to +150%.
*Gorge Crag healing radius reduced to 6.9 (except during healing wave).
*Increased Gorge Tunnel cost to 5.
*Reduced Gorge Tunnel health and armor.
*Cyst flammable multiplier reduced to 2.5.

*Clog digest time reduced time to 0.3 second, range increased to 3.
*Charging Onos destroys Clogs in its way.

*Experimental: increased InfestationTrackerMixin on infestation check interval to 0.125 second (was every tick).
No997.032 KiBJul 2, 202104-07-2022 06:27:34
Avatar jim12830155336jiM1 green red dotCROSSHAIRNo32.25 KiBJul 4, 202204-07-2022 00:59:20
Avatar Limonespremuto2828672500IcebreakerThis map is my first map.
many things where made as an experiment.
marine always start north.
MapNo21.193 MiBJul 1, 202202-07-2022 10:09:54
Avatar Microsoft Word 20192828966325Fade Loading ReverseReplaces the running Skulk showing during Thunderdome Lobby search with a walking Fade walking right to left.No11.243 MiBJul 1, 202201-07-2022 21:33:28
Avatar Microsoft Word 20192828962583Fade LoadingReplaces the running Skulk showing during Thunderdome Lobby search with a walking Fade.No11.243 MiBJul 1, 202201-07-2022 21:25:08
Avatar UWE Modding1111603278UWE ExtensionOfficial Extension of Unknown Worlds Entertainment

We use this extension to publish hotfixes and minor changes directly to all clients between normal updates.

For further details please join our discord server
No397.601 KiBAug 15, 201730-06-2022 04:03:01
Avatar Blue2719663945co_umbraco_umbra

Map orginally made by Kalessin

Made to work in new version of NS2 by Blue

Special Thanks to Shrimm and Mantagonist

Secret Room Concept By Rusty and WiseChoice

MOD ID: 2719663945

No20.083 MiBJan 15, 202230-06-2022 00:13:59